KCB International B.V.
These general terms and conditions are used by KCB International B.V., with its registered office
and principal place of business in Lieshout (municipality of Laarbeek) at De Stater 26 (5737 RV)
and listed in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 61854263 (hereinafter
referred to as "KCB International").

Article 1. Definitions
1.1. In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are defined as stated below:
a. Customer: each natural person or legal entity with whom KCB International concludes an
Agreement for the provision of Products and/or services.
b. Packaging: all (transport) packaging, (outer) packaging and article packaging, such as
pallets, containers, crates and other packaging materials and other transport aids, not
intended for single use and not purchased by the Customer.
c. Delivery: the transfer of ownership of the Products, not including the actual delivery of
the Products to the (final) place of destination.
d. Order: any order from the Customer to KCB International for the production and/or
purchase and possible delivery of one or more Products.
e. Agreement: the agreement concluded between KCB International and the Customer,
whereby all documents and emails containing specifications of Products and (commercial)
conditions, such as turnaround and delivery times, price and quantity of the Products that
have been agreed between KCB International and the Customer, also form part of the
f. Products: one (or more) item(s) from the KCB International range or item(s) produced by
KCB International at the request of the Customer.
g. In Writing/Written: communication by email or any other form of communication which
can be deemed similar to this in accordance with the prior art and generally accepted

Article 2. Applicability and interpretation
2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, quotations, assignments, legal
relationships, Orders and Agreements, however named, whereby KCB International
undertakes to deliver Products to the Customer or to perform services for the Customer, as
well as to all activities resulting therefrom for KCB International, even if third parties are
involved in the execution thereof.
2.2 If these general terms and conditions and the Agreement contain any contradictory
conditions, the conditions contained in the Agreement apply.
2.3 The applicability of the general terms and conditions of the Customer is explicitly rejected
by KCB International. Unless KCB International has expressly agreed to other terms and
conditions In Writing, these general terms and conditions will apply exclusively to the
2.4 The Customer with whom an Agreement has been concluded under these general terms and
conditions in the past accepts the applicability of these general terms and conditions to all
future acts as referred to in this Article 2, paragraph 1 and Agreements between KCB
International and the Customer.
2.5 KCB International is entitled to amend or supplement these general terms and conditions. The
Customer will be notified of the changes In Writing by receiving the (amended) general terms
and conditions.
2.6 If one or more of the provisions of these general terms and conditions are void or are declared
void, the remaining provisions of these general terms and conditions remain in full force. If
any provision of these general terms and conditions or the Agreement is legally invalid, the
parties will confer about the contents of a new provision, which provision will reflect the
contents of the original provision as closely as possible.
2.7 In case of uncertainty about the interpretation or content of one or more provisions of these
general terms and conditions, they must be interpreted in the spirit of these general terms and
conditions. Situations not covered by these general terms and conditions must be assessed in
the spirit of these general terms and conditions.
2.8 If KCB International does not always require strict compliance with these general terms and
conditions, it does not imply that the provisions of these general terms and conditions do not
apply or that KCB International would somehow lose the right to demand strict compliance
with the provisions of these general terms and conditions in other cases.
2.9 These general terms and conditions were originally written in Dutch and translated into
English. Any English translation, including the English translation of these general terms and
conditions, is for information purposes only. In the event of any difference in content, scope
or interpretation, the Dutch version (or Dutch translation) will be decisive. The Dutch version
of these general terms and conditions is available on the KCB International website.
2.10 Provisions of the Agreement or these general terms and conditions which must remain in
force after the expiry or termination of the Agreement, have post-contractual effect and will
remain in force after expiry or termination.

Article 3. Formation of the Agreement, offers and Orders
3.1 KCB International may impose additional conditions on the formation and continuation of an
Agreement and/or Order and/or the sale of (certain) Products, such as a current registration
in the customer register and/or a maximum number of Products to be purchased.
3.2 KCB International reserves the right to refuse an offer or order from the Customer without
giving any reason. Such a refusal will never entitle the Customer to any compensation.
3.3 An offer or quotation issued by KCB International is entirely without obligation and remains
valid for four weeks, unless a different term appears from the offer or quotation itself. After
this period has expired, the Customer can no longer derive any rights from the offer or
3.4 A compound quotation or offer does not oblige KCB International to perform or deliver part
thereof at a proportional part of the quoted price.
3.5 KCB International is not obliged to abide by its offer or quotation if the Customer should
have understood, in terms of reasonableness and fairness and generally accepted views in
society, that the offer or quotation, or a part thereof, contained an obvious error or mistake.
3.6 Quotations or offers do not automatically apply to future Orders.

Article 4. Prices
4.1. The prices quoted by KCB International to the Customer are always based on the trading unit
used by KCB International in euros and exclusive of VAT. Transport costs, costs of
packaging and/or other packaging, import and export duties, excise duties and other
surcharges, taxes and levies imposed or levied in relation to the Products are not included in
the stated price, unless expressly stated otherwise. The aforementioned items will be borne
by the Customer and will be charged to the Customer at the rates applicable at the time of
delivery of the Products.
4.2. If KCB International and the Customer have agreed that the prices are based on the price lists
of KCB International, the price list applicable at the time of Delivery of the Products will
4.3. KCB International has the right to adjust prices and change the price list used. In the event of
such a change, KCB International will notify the Customer in writing as soon as possible, but
no later than before the effective date of the change. Orders already placed will be settled in
accordance with the price agreements made, whereby increases in price-determining factors
will be charged to the Customer (even if this increase was foreseeable when the price
agreements were made).

Article 5. Invoicing and payment
5.1. Payment must be made within 14 days of the invoice date in the manner prescribed by KCB
International unless agreed otherwise In Writing or mentioned on the invoice. Orders placed
via the KCB International webshop can be paid using the payment methods listed in the
webshop. KCB International may require full prepayment as a condition of placing an Order.
The applicable terms are always fatal terms.
5.2. If, in the opinion of KCB International, the financial position or payment behaviour of the
Customer gives reason to do so, KCB International is entitled to require the Customer to pay
the amount due (in the future) in full or in part in advance and/or to otherwise provide
(additional) security in a form to be determined by KCB International. If the Customer fails
to furnish the requested security, KCB International, without prejudice to any of its other
rights, will be entitled to immediately discontinue further performance of the Agreement,
while the total amount owed by the Customer to KCB International, for whatever reason, will
become immediately due and payable.
5.3. In the event of liquidation or a decision to that efffect, (an application for) bankruptcy or
suspension of payments, or any other insolvency procedure including application of the
WHOA or the offer of a private creditors' agreement otherwise, (with respect to) the
Customer, KCB International's claims on the Customer will be immediately due and payable.
5.4. If the applicable payment term is exceeded, the Customer will be in default by operation of
law and KCB International will be entitled to charge default interest from the due date,
without further notice or notice of default. The default interest amounts to 1% per month, or
the statutory commercial interest if this percentage is higher than the interest agreed for this
5.5. If KCB International takes collection measures against the Customer who is in default, the
costs of these judicial or extrajudicial measures, with a minimum of 15% of the outstanding
balance but at least € 300.00, will be borne by the Customer, even if these costs exceed the
judicial award of costs.
5.6. KCB International is entitled to first allocate any payments made by the Customer to the
costs, subsequently to any interest due and finally to the principal sums that have been
outstanding the longest and the accrued interest.

Article 6. Delivery, transport and terms
6.1. In principle, KCB International sells and delivers its Products ex-works Lieshout. The risk of
the Products will at all times pass to the Customer at the time when KCB International
Delivers the Products (offers them in Lieshout).
6.2. At the request of the Customer, KCB International can arrange for the loading and (having)
transport of the Products. The costs involved will be borne by the Customer. KCB
International is at all times entitled to make partial deliveries. Transport will take place in
accordance with the provisions of the CMR Convention, which means the CMR conditions
apply if KCB International, at the request of the Customer, takes care or instructs a third party
to take care of transport. If the CMR Convention unexpectedly does not apply to a given
situation, transport (and the associated activities) will be at the risk of the Customer and the
risk of the Products will pass to the Customer at the time at which KCB International presents
the Products for transport.
6.3. In the event of damage resulting from the transport of the Products (and the associated
activities), Article 12 (Complaints and forfeiture of rights) will apply accordingly.
6.4. Delivery by or on behalf of KCB International must be possible on working days (Monday
to Friday) between 08:00 and 18:00. If delivery on a working day is not possible, the
Customer must notify KCB International of this in writing immediately upon entering into
the Agreement.
6.5. If the Customer requests KCB International to arrange for transport, the Customer will ensure
sufficient loading and unloading facilities, as well as other requirements for rapid unloading.
If delivery is not possible for any reason and additional costs are involved, these will always
be charged to the Customer.
6.6. If KCB International sells and delivers the Products ex-works in Lieshout to the Customer,
the risk of the Products will pass to the Customer at the time when KCB International delivers
the Products (presents them in Lieshout).
6.7. Agreed or issued delivery terms within which KCB International must fulfil its obligations
under the Agreement are approximate and can never be regarded as a final deadline. If KCB
International exceeds the relevant terms, this will not constitute a breach of contract on the
part of KCB International and therefore does not constitute grounds for dissolution of the
Agreement, claim for compensation or suspension of any obligation arising from the

Article 7. Packaging
7.1. Packaging is and remains the property of KCB International at all times; even if a fee is
charged for the use of the Packaging.
7.2. KCB International will charge the Customer for Packaging delivered to the Customer and
will credit the Customer for Packaging returned by the Customer.
7.3. Packaging may only be used by the Customer for the Products and must be returned empty,
sorted and cleaned to KCB International immediately upon Delivery, or at the latest upon the
next Delivery of Products from KCB International to the Customer, provided that such
Delivery takes place within 30 days of delivery of the Order for which the Packaging in
question was used. If there is no subsequent Delivery, the Customer is obliged to return the
Packaging to KCB International immediately. The costs of returning the Packaging are borne
by the Customer.
7.4. If the Customer does not return the Packaging in time, KCB International will send a written
request for return once. If the Customer does not comply with this, the costs for replacing the
Packaging will be recovered from the Customer. If the Packaging is not returned empty,
sorted and/or clean, the costs for this will also be charged to the Customer.

Article 8. Retention of title
8.1. All goods delivered by KCB International remain the property of KCB International until the
Customer has fulfilled all its (payment) obligations, for whatever reason but qualifying as a
claim under Article 3:92, paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, towards KCB International.
During the period that the Products are the property of KCB International, the Customer will
at all times do everything that may reasonably be expected of him to safeguard the ownership
rights of KCB International (including in any case the clearly identifiable storage and separate
storage of the Products from other items located at that location). The Customer is permitted
to resell the Products in the context of the Customer's normal business operations.
8.2. If the Customer fails to fulfil his (payment) obligations towards KCB International, or if KCB
International has good reason to fear that he will fail to fulfil such obligation(s), KCB
International is entitled to take back the Products delivered under retention of title, regardless
of the location of the Products. The Customer hereby grants KCB International unconditional
and irrevocable permission in advance to enter the places where KCB International's property
is located and to take back those Products, which places the Customer will indicate to KCB
International upon first request. If the Products are located with third parties, the Customer
obliges the third parties concerned to grant KCB International (in advance) access to the
places where the Products are located in order to enable KCB International to exercise its
retention of title.

Article 9. Intellectual property rights and know-how
9.1. The intellectual property rights and know-how vested in the Products and everything that
KCB International develops, uses and/or makes available in the context of the performance
of the Agreement or the rights to establish such rights, are vested in KCB International or its
licensors. Nothing in the Agreement or these general terms and conditions serves to transfer
intellectual property rights or know-how unless expressly stated otherwise In Writing.
9.2. If the Products that are the subject of the Agreement contain 'works' in which one or more
intellectual property rights are vested, KCB International will grant the Customer a licence,
including the right to exercise the intellectual property right(s) to the extent that exercising
the rights is intended to market the Products supplied by KCB International. The licence
therefore never includes a right of reproduction. The licence is issued for a period equal to
the shelf life of the relevant Products.
9.3. For the reminder, the Customer is expressly forbidden to provide, reproduce, publish or
exploit to third parties anything on which KCB International's intellectual property is based
or can be established, without the written permission of KCB International, with or without
the involvement of third parties.
9.4. After the end of a right of use granted to the Customer by KCB International, the Customer
must cease and continue to cease exercising the intellectual property rights. The Customer
must return any physically present intellectual property objects to KCB International.
9.5. KCB International has the right to take (technical) measures aimed to protect its (intellectual
property) rights or those of its licensors. The Customer is expressly prohibited from removing
or circumventing these measures.
9.6. The Customer will immediately warn KCB International In Writing if he becomes aware that
third parties are infringing or threatening to infringe intellectual property rights or know-how
of KCB International or if third parties believe that KCB International is infringing their
intellectual property rights or know-how.
9.7. The Customer guarantees KCB International that Products produced by KCB International
on (specific) orders from the Customer or products in which any Product of the Customer is
incorporated do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Article 10. Confidentiality
10.1. The Customer will maintain confidentiality of all information that comes to his attention from
or about KCB International of which the Customer should reasonably be aware that the
information is to be considered confidential or secret and will refrain from using such
information other than to comply with the obligations arising from the Agreement or these
general terms and conditions. The Customer will also ensure that his officers, employees,
agents, subcontractors and any other party engaged by him will maintain the aforementioned
10.2. If the Customer is required to disclose information pursuant to a court order or a legal
obligation, the Customer will limit the information to be disclosed to the minimum necessary
and he will only be permitted to disclose such information after having obtained Written
consent from KCB International. KCB International will not refuse such consent without
reasonable grounds.

Article 11. Force majeure
11.1. If a party (KCB International or the Customer) is confronted with a force majeure situation,
that party is obliged to inform the other party (the Customer or KCB International) In Writing
of the force majeure situation as soon as possible, after which the obligations of that party, to
the extent that proper performance is prevented by the force majeure situation, will be
suspended, without that party being liable for any damage suffered by the other party as a
result. The mutual obligations of the other party are also suspended without liability for any
damage suffered as a result.
11.2. If it can reasonably be expected that the force majeure situation will last for more than two
months or has already lasted for two months, the other party may terminate the Agreement In
Writing and with immediate effect, without this giving rise to any right to compensation.
11.3. Force majeure on the part of KCB International will in any case (but not exclusively) include
fire, lack of personnel, strikes, default or delayed deliveries by third parties engaged by KCB
International, (the consequences of) an epidemic, failure of auxiliary materials, government
measures, civil unrest, trade embargoes, strikes, terrorism, natural disasters (such as lightning
strikes), work-to-rule actions, a lack of raw materials, accidents, disruptions, animal diseases,
unforeseeable production or transport problems, devaluation, an increase in levies or taxes of
any kind, material price increases in raw materials or energy, the expiry, withdrawal or nonrenewal
of required permits, certificates, licences, etc.

Article 12. Complaints and lapsing rights
12.1. The Customer is obliged to inspect the Products immediately after Delivery or handover (if
KCB International arranges for transport). The Customer must report defects to KCB
International as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after Delivery of the Products, In
Writing and with reasons, in any case including an accurate description of the (alleged) defect,
accompanied by photographic material on which the (alleged) defect is clearly and
undisputedly visible, together with the batch number of the Product in question. For
complaints/claims regarding contamination with mould or vermin and spoilage of Products,
a different term of two working days after discovery applies. After the expiry of the
aforementioned term(s), any right of the Customer to invoke a shortcoming or unlawful act
on the part of KCB International will lapse.
12.2. In the event of (suspected) transport damage upon delivery of the Products, the Customer
must at all times report the damage on the CMR form or any other proof of delivery from the
carrier and also report it to KCB International In Writing. This notification must be
accompanied by photographic material on which the damage (presumably) caused during
transport is clearly and undisputedly visible. If, in the event of transport damage, the carrier
judges that the transport damage is only partly eligible for compensation, KCB International
will in no event be liable for the remaining part.
12.3. Any other complaint and/or any other shortcoming in the performance on the part of KCB
International must be reported to KCB International In Writing and with reasons within 14
days after the Customer could have become aware of it. After the expiry of the
aforementioned term, any right of the Customer to invoke a shortcoming or unlawful act on
the part of KCB International will lapse.
12.4. A complaint or claim as referred to in this article, including any other alleged shortcoming or
right of claim, does not suspend the payment obligation on the part of the Customer, except
to the extent that KCB International has indicated In Writing that it considers the complaint
or claim to be justified, after which the Customer may suspend the payment obligation to the
extent that the suspension is in reasonable proportion to the defect in question.
12.5. Complaints and claims from the Customer will be assessed within the framework of KCB
International's liability (including Article 14 of these general terms and conditions;
12.6. In any event, all rights of claim and other powers of the Customer against KCB International
on whatever grounds - without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6:89 of the Dutch Civil
Code - will lapse one year after the moment at which the Customer became aware or could
reasonably have become aware of the existence of these rights and/or powers.

Article 13. Returns and product recall
13.1. A request to return Products must always be submitted in advance by email to KCB
International. After KCB International's approval to return Products, the Customer will
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receive return instructions from KCB International which must be strictly followed. The
return instructions qualify as condition(s) for the approval to return Products.
13.2. Products must always be returned in unopened and undamaged packaging.
13.3. Shipping costs for returning the Products to KCB International are always at the expense of
the Customer.
13.4. Products that have been developed for or produced by the Customer at the request of the
Customer according to a recipe or composition, or that have been ordered specifically for the
Customer on customer order, cannot be returned.
13.5. The Customer will be credited with the amount paid for the returned Product by means of a
credit invoice only when a return has been requested in advance by the Customer, KCB
International has approved the return, the Product has been received by KCB International
and after receipt has been assessed by KCB International as new and saleable. A credit invoice
will be settled as standard with the Customer's next Order and will only at the Customer's
request be refunded directly to the bank account with which the Order of which the returned
Products are part was paid.
13.6. If the returned Products are assessed by KCB International as not being saleable as new, the
reduction in value of the Products will be deducted from the amount to be credited to the
Customer. KCB International will inform the Customer of this In Writing.
13.7. KCB International will at all times have the right to instruct the Customer to immediately
remove from the market or from any storage location and return to KCB International any
Product, or any product incorporating a Product, that does not meet the requirements set by
KCB International. The Customer will immediately comply with the instructions provided by
KCB International in this regard. The Customer is obliged to cooperate with all measures
taken by KCB International in the context of a recall. In the event of a recall, KCB
International will credit all Products returned to KCB International by the Customer.

Article 14. Liability
14.1. KCB International is only liable towards the Customer for damage that is the direct result of
a (related series of) attributable shortcomings in the performance of the Agreement.
14.2. KCB International's liability is limited to the amount to be paid out by the liability insurer of
KCB International in the relevant case, increased by any policy excess payable by KCB
International under the insurance. Upon request, information about the liability insurance
taken out by KCB International will be provided to the Customer.
14.3. If, for whatever reason, KCB International's liability insurer does not pay out, the other
liability limitations as set out in this article (Articles 14.4 to 14.10 inclusive) will apply.
14.4. KCB International's liability is limited to the value of the Order to which the damaging event
relates. Under no circumstance will the total compensation for the loss under this article
amount to more than € 200,000.00 per event, with a series of connected events being regarded
as a single event, unless with a view to the extent of the Order(s) or the risks involved in it
the parties feel there is a reason to deviate from this maximum upon conclusion of the
14.5. KCB International is in any case not liable for any damage incurred by the Customer or third
a. which is the result of (the use of the Product - in the broadest sense of the word - after) the
expiry of the shelf life of the Product as announced by KCB International (a maximum of
2 years after the production date);
b. as a result of spoilage, while the Product is no longer unopened in its original packaging
when the damage becomes apparent;
c. which is the result of infection or damage or contamination of the Product by insects,
including in any case flour moths and beetles, also excepted if the infection or damage or
contamination occurs before the expiry date of the Product;
d. which is the result of the provision of incorrect, incomplete or untimely data or information
by or on behalf of the Customer, or is otherwise the result of an act or omission by the
Customer (including the fulfilment of the obligations on the part of the Customer as set
out in this article);
e. as a result of stagnation in the regular course of business of the Customer, any loss of
income or profit, loss of business or customers, loss of goodwill, loss of use, increased
costs of the work, imposed fines or punitive compensation obligations, damage as a result
of late Delivery or supply, reputational damage, or any other indirect or consequential
damage or loss arising from or related to the Agreement;
f. which is the result of an act or omission of auxiliary persons engaged by KCB International
(not including employees of KCB International), even if they were carried out by an
organisation affiliated with KCB International.
14.6. If the Customer provides labels, designs, texts, translations or similar materials or content to
KCB International, the Customer will be solely responsible and liable for such items and
statements, including for the quality, accuracy and compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations by KCB International when using the items and statements. The Customer will
indemnify KCB International against any claim in connection with the aforementioned
matters and statements, including claims based on (a) errors or omissions in matters and/or
statements, (b) an infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties by a matter or
statement, and (c) misleading or advertising that is not permitted by law or regulations.
14.7. Any (personal) liability under Article 6:162 of the Dutch Civil Code of the director(s) and all
those who work or worked for KCB International for damage caused by or through the
performance of the Agreement is completely excluded. To the extent that the limitation of
liability set out in this article should not be effective for any reason whatsoever, the persons
referred to in the previous sentence may in any case invoke against the Customer all
exclusions and/or limitations of liability that KCB International may invoke against the
Customer on the basis of the Agreement and these general terms and conditions.
14.8. The Customer must take all measures to prevent or reduce any damage.
14.9. A further condition for KCB International's liability is that the Customer informs KCB
International of any shortcoming in a timely and correct manner in accordance with the
provisions of Article 12 (complaints and lapsing rights).
14.8. Any claim by the Customer against KCB International will lapse if the Products in question
have been transported, treated, used, processed or stored defectively or in conflict with the
instructions given by or on behalf of KCB International.
14.9. KCB International will at all times have the right, if and to the extent possible, to undo or
limit the damage suffered by the Customer by remedying the shortcoming, whether or not in
the form of free replacement or improvement of the defective Product or crediting the
purchase value of the defective Products.
14.10. The exonerations included in this article do not apply if the damage is due to intent or
deliberate recklessness on the part of KCB International.

Article 15. Other obligations of the Customer
15.1. As the seller of the Products in commercial transactions with consumers, the Customer is
responsible for the proper marketing and proper labelling of the Products in accordance with
the laws and regulations applicable in the country in which the Products are marketed.
15.2. The Customer will at all times refrain from any action that may adversely affect the quality
or safety of the Products, KCB International's reputation, or any trademarks or other
intellectual property rights of KCB International.
15.3. The Customer will not (directly or indirectly) use its relationship with KCB International for
promotional or other purposes without the prior Written consent of KCB International.
15.4. The Customer is obliged to keep his access data to the account with KCB International
confidential and to protect it against access by third parties. The Customer undertakes to
immediately notify KCB International of lost, stolen or falsified access data and any
unauthorised use of the account. The Customer is responsible for all consequences resulting
from the misuse of access data to the account by third parties and indemnifies KCB
International against all damage suffered as a result.
15.5. The Customer will provide KCB International with all relevant data and documents required
for KCB International's correct performance of the Agreement. The Customer guarantees the
correctness, reliability and completeness of the information made available to KCB
International. The Customer indemnifies KCB International against any damage resulting
from incorrect or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the Customer.

Article 16. Other obligations of KCB International
16.1. KCB International may, at the request of the Customer, provide specifications of Products
containing necessary information which the Customer cannot reasonably determine himself.
KCB International prepares specifications in good faith. The Customer cannot derive any
rights from the Specifications drawn up by KCB International.
16.2. KCB International maintains records of lot and batch numbers of the Products it produces
and may provide this information to the Customer if it is not already stated on the packaging
of the Product.
16.3. KCB International will not (directly or indirectly) use its relationship with the Customer for
promotional or other purposes without the prior Written consent of the Customer.
Article 17. Termination of the Agreement
17.1. KCB International and the Customer both have the right to terminate the Agreement In
Writing with effect from the end of the calendar month, taking into account a notice period
of three months.
17.2. KCB International has the right to terminate all or part of the Agreement with immediate
effect by means of a Written statement addressed to the Customer, always retaining all its
rights such as dissolution of the Agreement and compensation for costs and damage, if:
a. the Customer does not or no longer meets the conditions set by KCB International
for the formation and/or maintenance of the Agreement;
b. the Customer is guilty of serious misconduct or an unlawful act;
c. the Customer acts in violation of any rule of conduct that may reasonably be
assumed to conflict with applicable (social) standards and values towards people,
animals or the environment;
d. the Customer offers or provides any benefit to an employee of KCB International
in connection with the formation or performance of an Agreement;
e. the Customer is declared bankrupt or a petition for his bankruptcy is filed,
(provisional) suspension of payments is requested for Customer, the Customer
offers his creditors a (private or otherwise) creditors' agreement, the Customer's
company or its activities are dissolved or terminated; and,
f. changes occur in the direct or indirect ownership or control relationships at the
17.3. Only in the event of the situation referred to under a. of Article 17.2., will KCB International
be obliged to process Orders already (correctly) placed by the Customer and accepted by
KCB International in accordance with the Agreement. In the situations referred to under b. to
f., Orders already placed will lapse and KCB International will have no obligations
whatsoever in connection with those Orders.
17.4. If termination has taken place in accordance with the preceding provisions, the Customer will
never be entitled to any compensation from KCB International for damage resulting from the
termination of the Agreement.

Article 18. Privacy
18.1. KCB International processes personal data of data subjects (with the Customer's organisation)
in the context of the performance of the Agreement. KCB International attaches a lot of value
to the protection of personal data and it respects the privacy of the data subjects. Therefore,
KCB International ensures the personal data is processed lawfully in accordance with the
applicable laws and legislation (which does, in any case, include the General Data Protection
Regulation) and it provides the data subjects with clear and transparent information in that
respect. The Privacy Statement of KCB International can be consulted via the website and
can be requested by contacting KCB International by telephone or email.
18.2. If KCB International receives personal data from the Customer with regard to which they
both qualify as controllers, KCB International guarantees the Customer the correct use of the
personal data in accordance with the prevailing laws and legislation. On the Customer's
demand, KCB International undertakes to allow him to consult its Processing Register.
18.3. Both KCB International and the Customer will actively monitor security breaches with a view
to the aforementioned active monitoring. KCB International undertakes to report any security
incidents, including data breaches, that affect the personal data received from the Customer
by telephone and email, using the Customer's known contact details, within 24 hours of
discovering the incident. KCB International will inform the Dutch Data Protection Authority
or the data subject when it is obliged to do so under applicable laws and regulations, in which
context the Customer will provide KCB International with all necessary cooperation.
18.4. The Customer is in turn responsible for compliance with applicable privacy laws and

Article 19. Other provisions
19.1. KCB International has the right to engage auxiliary persons for the performance of any
Agreement and to transfer any rights and obligations it has towards the Customer to a third
party designated by it, or to delegate the performance of any Agreement to an affiliated
19.2. Without the prior written consent of KCB International, the Customer is not authorised to
transfer any rights or obligations under an Agreement. Any reorganisation, merger, share
exchange, consolidation or sale or disposition of all or virtually all of the assets of the
Customer will constitute a change of control requiring the prior written consent of KCB

Article 20. Applicable law and choice of forum
20.1. All Agreements and the legal relationship between KCB International and the Customer are
governed exclusively by Dutch law.
20.2. The applicability of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods (the Vienna Sales Convention) is explicitly excluded.
20.3. All disputes relating to Agreement(s) between KCB International and the Customer, to which
these general terms and conditions apply, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement,
will be settled by the competent court in the district in which KCB International has its
registered office, unless mandatory statutory rules of jurisdiction prevent this.
20.4. In derogation from the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article, KCB International and the
Customer may, in mutual consultation and by mutual agreement, opt for a different method
of dispute resolution.